A DM Consultoria
Dois Jovens cuiabanos, corretores de imóveis há mais de 12 anos, Diego Miotto e Maikon Scedrzyk resolvemos unir as experiências para criar um novo conceito em consultoria imobiliária, baseada em atendimento personalizado e exclusivo.
Assim nasceu a DM que possui uma equipe especializada em imóveis de alto padrão.
Nosso Objetivo é ajudar nossos clientes a concretizar o melhor negócio seja na compra, venda ou locação do imóvel.
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We’ve been helping customers globally
Dramatically disseminate real-time portals rather than on top-line action item. Uniquely provide access to low-risk high-yield products of without dynamic and products re-engineer low-risk high-yield.
Dramatically disseminate real-time portals rather than on top-line action item. Uniquely provide access to low-risk high-yield products of without dynamic and products re-engineer low-risk high-yield.
Dramatically disseminate real-time portals rather than on top-line action item. Uniquely provide access to low-risk high-yield products of without dynamic and products re-engineer low-risk high-yield.
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Let’s Meet Our Team
Arlene McCoy
Head of DepartmentsLeslie Alexander
Head of DepartmentsRobert Fox
Head of DepartmentsArlene McCoy
Head of DepartmentsArlene McCoy
Head of DepartmentsWhat Our Client Says
Sarah Johnson
Managing Director
Robin Rosta
Managing Director